Post by benraul on Oct 16, 2008 21:09:03 GMT
I tell you waht was weiard though, Making constant eye contact with Noel. I was sitting on the front row, holding a microphone, and when he looked at me I kept on looking away. Was too weird.
When he announced the support bands he said that he really likes the Enemy. Said that he loved their first song, and that they were perfect to support them. Interesting.
The best bit of the day what liam giving a photographer from a shitty magazine a bit of a hard time. Got it on my camera phone. The photographer asked him to look his way. Liam asked what Mag he was from. I cant remember what the photgroaher said but Liam went
"f*ck that shit, and looked the other way. was so funny!
Liam and gem looked proper rock and roll. Noel looked like a farmer.
Post by Fergal on Oct 16, 2008 21:17:40 GMT
Really? How did you get on board with that? Thats mega! I'm hoping it shouldn't be as hard as it were for the tour they're on now to get tickets, I mean 200 000 tickets are on sale for Manchester....lets hope I'm right!
Post by IrlamHillbilly on Oct 17, 2008 8:11:24 GMT
Kasabian being the support has swayed it for me. Have to get someone to book tickets for me though as I'm in beautiful Bratislava on the 24th
Post by chezza on Oct 17, 2008 8:17:15 GMT
Kasabian support swayed me to - plus stadium of light is only up the road...I won't tell you what I said when I heard those little cretins the enemy had wormed their way in as support - I will be in the bar while they are on!! 2 weeks before I go to glasto as well.....gonna be a long summer as again!
Post by benraul on Oct 17, 2008 9:11:47 GMT
Really? How did you get on board with that? Thats mega! I'm hoping it shouldn't be as hard as it were for the tour they're on now to get tickets, I mean 200 000 tickets are on sale for Manchester....lets hope I'm right! I was camera assisting for the TV Programme Sound with a good friend of mine. Was quality. Never been that close to them. They are all pretty small. Liam never switches off, it is so funny watching him walk around wembley with his trademark swagger. Its so bizzare. He was the only one in the picture of all 4 of them that was posing. It was like he thought he was a model. I sat next to a guy from the NME during the press conference, he was a dick jead. He couldnt be any further up Noel's ass is he tried! Noel could spout racist remark after racist remark and he would be in stiches. Noel said that he def wont be doing Glasto next year which I was disapointed about. Hates playing the festival and listed quite a few reasons. Some girl asked him why? Noel said, are you going? She said yes. He goes, "why? is R Kelly playing or something?" He ripped into her for a while which was pretty funny. Felt sorry for her. He was also saying he had an affair with Guy Ritchie. Yer, like others are saying I was shocked that he invited the enemy to play, but I have the feeling he has only heard their debut song. If he knew more about them, I wouldnt be so sure he would have picked them. He did this with razorlight as well didnt he. That shouldnt sway anyone's decision to go though. The fact Kasabian and Oasis are on the same bill is epic!!!!
Post by chezza on Oct 17, 2008 9:22:39 GMT
Even more reason to go if they not doing glast...although there is a break in the middle which means they could do!
Post by benraul on Oct 17, 2008 9:40:28 GMT
Absolutely, convenient or coincidence?
Post by chezza on Oct 17, 2008 9:59:46 GMT
I reckon convenient...it would be worth seeing if there is anything else on at wembley or they may have done it that way cos they know a lot of ppl who want to go will be glasto.....
Post by upton on Oct 17, 2008 15:50:01 GMT
Oasis are the best live band I have seen Kasabain are up there aswell so I can't fucking wait!
Post by marcwhiffen on Oct 19, 2008 15:01:35 GMT
its gonna be fucking great. get tickets for manc if that sells out any where will doooooo
Post by upton on Oct 20, 2008 18:10:39 GMT
I'm glad they ain't doing Glasto full of freaks and weirdos man.
Post by mc18988 on Oct 24, 2008 9:13:15 GMT
Got my tickets!
Anyone else goin? gna be mega!
Post by antoine010891 on Oct 24, 2008 9:36:12 GMT
where do I get tickets and how much?? Just an enquiry.
Post by chezza on Oct 24, 2008 10:09:41 GMT
I got mine stadium of light - just up the road and two weeks before I pack myself off to glasto for the first time!!! June 2009 is gonna be amesin..
Ant you can get tickets from ticket master and see tickets...
Post by philftm on Oct 24, 2008 10:31:25 GMT
Got mine - Stadium of Light!! Managed to get standing aswell. Sunderland to beat Newcastle tomorrow and this has been a great weekend.